


bob手机官网Support the Galveston College Foundation: Universal Access Endowment Fund, Universal Access Plus, President's Partners Fund, Scholarships, Athletic Programs and Planned Giving


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Universal Access, a nationally recognized program that the community of Galveston created, provides education and career training opportunities for Galveston citizens regardless of income.普及化承诺鼓励和启发学生完成教育并提高生活质量bob手机官网Since Fall 2001 every local high school, GED and home schooled graduate has been eligible to apply for assistance with tuition and fees through the Universal Access program at Galveston College.

自2021 Spring开始,符合条件的UA学生将获非约束教育费基金(UA+)奖,每学期35.00美元,终生限值2100美元UA+帮助学生购买所需书籍、程序设备、工具并包括互联网访问代码Universal Access, a nationally recognized program that the community of Galveston created, provides education and career training opportunities for Galveston citizens regardless of income.普及化承诺鼓励和启发学生完成教育并提高生活质量bob手机官网自2001年秋季以来,每所本地中学、GED和家教研究生都有资格通过Galveston学院普及课程申请免费学费

bob手机官网加尔维斯顿学院与个人、企业和行业建立多项伙伴关系帮助支持和雇用学生的组织bob手机官网The President's Partners Fund was established to allow the College's CEO to interact with groups on the local, state, and national level to further the mission of Galveston College.President's Partners Fund contributors of $100 or more will be extended an invitation twice annually to join the President in a culinary and conversational experience.

bob手机官网Galveston学院基金会拥有学院奖学金基金并每年提供学生奖项Scholarships can be created as pass-through scholarships (where funds are put to immediate use), as named scholarships, or endowed scholarships.bob手机官网资助奖学金是一项长期承诺,对Galveston学院和学生有正面影响

怀特盖普跨学院体育课程为学生提高运动和学术能力提供机会The Whitecaps Baseball and Softball Teams produce successful graduates, professional athletes and outstanding career minded individuals.捐赠帮助发展GC白帽体育程序

The "front door" Beacon Square development, dedicated as part of the College's 40th Anniversary, features the restored South Jetty Lighthouse cupola at 39th Street and Avenue Q in Galveston.

bob手机官网对于那些想与Galveston学院建立更持久关系者,他们可以将学院纳入其房地产规划中。Planned giving helps ensure the College's long-term financial strength and its ability to effectively carry out its mission. There are many methods of planned giving.


  • 定值元数或遗嘱中的有形财产提交学院
  • 指令学院支付遗赠或遗产相关费用后全部或部分剩余资产
  • Establishing a trust that pays  a lifetime income to a spouse or other beneficiaries, after which the trust assets, or a portion of them are given to the College
  • 指定学院为IRA,401K或B,其他退休计划或保险的受益者

计划馈赠使捐赠者能够提供比一生中通常可能的更大馈赠,将目前保留的资产指定为有价值的事业Heirs may also qualify for federal and/or state estate tax deduction, reducing the taxable portion of an estate.  Donors are extended special recognition and the opportunity to be part of private receptions honoring those who partner with President and the Board of Regents for the College's evolution as a premier institution of higher learning for people of Galveston.

更多了解房地产规划 和其他为学院提供的机会 请发邮件给MsKellyKennedy学院[email protected]或调用409-944-1303

